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constructor Create; override;
Creates and initializes an instance of TBitmap32.
After calling the inherited constructor, Create initializes the following properties:
- BitmapInfo is filled with data corresponding to 32-bit DIBs;
- DrawMode to dmOpaque;
- MasterAlpha to 255 ($FF);
- OuterColor to transparent black: $00000000;
- PenColor to clWhite32;
- StippleCounter to 0;
- StippleStep to 1.0;
- StretchFilter to sfNearest;
See Also
BitmapInfo, DrawMode, MasterAlpha, OuterColor, PenColor, StippleCounter, StippleStep, TBitmap32, TStretchFilter
Copyright ©2000-2007 Alex Denisov and Contributors - Graphics32 v1.8.3 - Build on 4-March-2007