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procedure Draw(Bitmap: TBitmap32; OutlineColor, FillColor: TColor32; Transformation: TTransformation = nil); overload;
procedure Draw(Bitmap: TBitmap32; OutlineColor: TColor32; FillLineCallback: TFillLineEvent; Transformation: TTransformation = nil); overload;
procedure Draw(Bitmap: TBitmap32; OutlineColor: TColor32; Filler: TCustomPolygonFiller; Transformation: TTransformation = nil); overload;
Fills the polygon and draws the outline transformed by Transformation. This method is a simple combination of DrawFill and DrawEdge methods.
See Also
DrawEdge, DrawFill, TBitmap32, TColor32, TCustomPolygonFiller, TFillLineEvent, TTransformation
Copyright ©2000-2007 Alex Denisov and Contributors - Graphics32 v1.8.3 - Build on 4-March-2007