Release to Ship Logic

Global Delivery Scorecard Application

DSCDWRLD.gifRelease to Ship Logic

  1. If The Release Date is greater than the Commit Date then Scorecard tracks from the Release Date to the Shipped Date (Operational Late). Weekends and holidays are considered in the calculation, as well as holds for credit or other legitimate reasons.

  2. If the Release Date is less than or equal to the Commit Date then Scorecard tracks from the Schedule Date to Shipped Date (Warehouse Late). See Schedule to Ship Logic.

  3. If the Release to Ship Variance is late (> 0) after either step 1 or 2 above then the Consolidation Indicator is check, if it is set to ‘Y’ then Scorecard tracks from the Consolidation Date to Shipped Date and the Release to Ship Comparison Code is set to M (milk run). Weekends and holidays are considered in the calculation. Take note this process is being considered for US (COS system) only.

  4. Those shipments which have been delivered ahead of schedule are considered to be on-time.

NOTE: This will be calculated for shipments only. This is a Standard Default calculation. In this variance, we are measuring the additional "lateness' that the shipping facility has added to the shipment; we are not measuring to a customer window.