Conforming Schedule Detail Window Rules

Global Delivery Scorecard Application

DSCDWRLD.gifConforming Schedule Detail Window Rules

In addition to the rules applied to all Delivery Scorecard windows and schedule detail windows, Conforming Schedule Detail windows have the following additional rules:

"On-Time Window" Types

  1. A Conforming Schedule Detail window reached through Standard Default and Customer Variable summary windows will provide access to Request to Ship and Schedule to Ship comparison dates (excluding shipping facility lates).

From Standard Default summary windows, Days Early and Days Late fields will also display.

Sort Order

  1. The data sort order for Conforming is as follows:

Primary Sort: Part Number (ascending order)

Secondary Sort: Shipped Date (ascending order)

Field Displays

  1. The Dock Ind field will contain a 1 if the On-Dock Schedule Date is not equal to the Shipped Date and the shipment is late (the Shipped Date is after the Schedule Date). If this condition does not exist, spaces will be prefilled in the column.

Date Range Defaults

  1. The date range will default to the current month date.

Customer Windows on Each Schedule

  1. The Customer Window Early and Late columns within a report indicate the Customer's specified window for the respective shipment. These columns will be filled regardless of the Standard Default or Customer Variable window.