Past Due Schedule Detail Window Rules
In addition to the rules applied to all Delivery Scorecard windows and schedule detail windows, Past Due Schedule Detail windows have the following additional rules:
Sort Order
The data sort order for Past Due is as follows:
Primary Sort: Part Number (ascending order)
Secondary Sort: Days Late (descending order)
Field Displays
The Days Late column will show the actual days the schedule detail is late compared to the Schedule Date or the Requested Date, depending which one was selected. Expedite Dates, Temporary Holds and Credit Holds do not apply.
The Days Early and (Days) Late fields do not apply to past due schedules and will not be included as window parameters.
The Doc Ind column will contain the number 1 if an On-Dock Schedule Date exists. If this condition does not exist, spaces will be prefilled in the column.
Compare to Schedule Date will be the defaulted comparison date.
Date Range Defaults
The date range will default to the current month date.