Solution Properties

Fabrica Bolos GLPK

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The Solution type exposes the following members.


Public propertyConflictingSet
Gets the conflicting set.
Public propertyDualVariableValues
Unique name and solution value for each dual variable in the solved model instance, or null if the status of this solution instance is NoSolutionValues.
Public propertyModelName
Gets the name of the model.
Public propertyModelStatus
Gets the model status.
Public propertyObjectiveValues
Unique name and solution value for each objective in the solved model instance, or null if the status of this solution instance is NoSolutionValues.
Public propertyOverallWallTime
Gets the overall wall time.
Public propertyStatus
Status of this solution instance.
Public propertyVariableValues
Unique name and solution value for each variable in the solved model instance, or null if the status of this solution instance is NoSolutionValues.

See Also