MIPGap Property

Fabrica Bolos GLPK

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Relative MIP optimality gap (MIP only). The MIP solver will terminate (with an optimal result) when the relative gap between the lower and upper objective bound is less than MIPGap times the upper bound.

Namespace: Optimization.Solver.Cplex
Assembly: Optimization.Framework (in Optimization.Framework.dll) Version: 0.3.1036.0


public double MIPGap { get; set; }
Visual Basic
Public Property MIPGap As Double
Visual C++
property double MIPGap {
	double get ();
	void set (double value);

Field Value

Sets a relative tolerance on the gap between the best integer objective and the objective of the best node remaining. When the value |bestnode-bestinteger|/(1e-10+|bestinteger|) falls below the value of this parameter, the mixed integer optimization is stopped. For example, to instruct CPLEX to stop as soon as it has found a feasible integer solution proved to be within five percent of optimal, set the relative mipgap tolerance to 0.05.

See Also