Model Members

Fabrica Bolos GLPK

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The Model type exposes the following members.


Public methodModel
Initializes a new instance of the Model class.


Public methodStatic memberAbs
Returns an Expression object respresenting the absolute value of the specified expression.
Public methodAddAlternativeConstraintGroups
Public methodAddAlternativeConstraints
Public methodAddConstraint(Constraint, String)
Adds constraint to this model instance if it is consistent. If you choose to provide a name, the name of the constraint will be overridden. You need to make sure that the name of the constraint is unique.
Public methodAddConstraint(String, Double, Double, Expression)
Adds a new constraint to this model instance if it is consistent.
Public methodAddConstraints
Adds a set of constraint to this model instance if it is consistent.
Public methodAddObjective(Objective)
Adds objective to this model instance if it is consistent.
Public methodAddObjective(Expression, String, ObjectiveSense)
Adds a new objective to this model instance if it is consistent.
Public methodAddObjectives
Adds a set of objectives to this model instance if it is consistent.
Public methodAddSOS
Adds an SOS Constraint of the given SOSType
Public methodAddSOS1
Adds an SOS1 constraint
Public methodAddSOS2
Adds an SOS2 constraint
Public methodAddSOS3
Adds an SOS3 constraint
Public methodAddVariable(IVariable)
Adds variable to this model instance if it is consistent.
Public methodAddVariable(String, Double, Double, VariableType)
Adds a new variable to this model instance if it is consistent.
Public methodAddVariables
Adds a set of variables to this model instance if it is consistent. //TODO: discuss: What do we mean by "consistent"?
Public methodStatic memberCeil
Returns an Expression object respresenting the ceil roundoff of the specified expression.
Public methodClear
Removes all variables, constraints, objectives and scenarios from this model instance.
Public methodContainsConstraint
Contains this model instance a constraint named name?
Public methodContainsObjective
Contains this model instance an objective named name?
Public methodContainsVariable
Contains this model instance a variable named name?
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberFloor
Returns an Expression object respresenting the floor roundoff of the specified expression.
Public methodGetConstraint
Returns the constraint named name, or null if this model instance contains no such constraint.
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetObjective
Returns the objective named name, or null if this model instance contains no such objective.
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetVariable
Returns the variable named name, or null if this model instance contains no such variable.
Public methodLoad
Loads the specified file.
Public methodStatic memberMax
Returns an Expression object representing the maximum of the specified expresssions.
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberMin
Returns an Expression object respresenting the minimum of the specified expressions.
Public methodRemoveConstraint
Removes the constraint named name from this model instance, or does nothing if this model instance contains no such constraint.
Public methodRemoveConstraints
Removes a set of constraints from this model instance.
Public methodRemoveObjective
Removes the objective named name from this model instance, or does nothing if this model instance contains no such objective.
Public methodRemoveObjectives
Removes a set of objectives from this model instance.
Public methodRemoveVariable
Removes the variable named name from this model instance, or does nothing if this model instance contains no such variable.
Public methodRemoveVariables
Removes a set of variables from this model instance.
Public methodToString
Returns a String that represents the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodWrite
Writes the model to the specified filestream.


Public propertyAreAllConstraintsLinear
Have all constraints in this model instance linear expressions?
Public propertyAreAllObjectivesLinear
Have all objectives in this model instance linear expressions?
Public propertyAreAllVariablesBinary
Are all variables in this model instance of type integer and their lower bound equal to zero and their upper bound equal to 1?
Public propertyAreAllVariablesContinuous
Are variables in this model instance of type continuous?
Public propertyAreAllVariablesInteger
Are all variables in this model instance of type integer?
Public propertyConstraints
Constraints in this model instance.
Public propertyConstraintsCount
Count of constraints in this model instance.
Public propertyModelBehavior
Gets or sets the behavior of the model. Available options are "Automatic" and "Manual" In automatic mode, the model takes care of adding and removing variables when constraints and objectives get added. In manual mode you need to take care of this yourself.
Public propertyName
Name of this model instance.
Public propertyObjectives
Objectives in this model instance.
Public propertyObjectivesCount
Count of objectives in this model instance.
Public propertySOS1Sets
Sets of SOS1 variables in this model instance.
Public propertySOS2Sets
Sets of SOS2 variables in this model instance.
Public propertySOS3Sets
Sets of SOS3 variables in this model instance.
Public propertyVariables
Variables in this model instance.
Public propertyVariablesCount
Count of variables in this model instance.

See Also