GurobiSolverConfiguration Properties

Fabrica Bolos GLPK

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The GurobiSolverConfiguration type exposes the following members.


Public propertyCalculateDuals
Gets or sets a value indicating whether duals shall be calculated or not.
Public propertyCallbackEndpoint
This endpoint will be used to enable communication between solvers
(Inherited from SolverConfiguration.)
Public propertyComputeIIS
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the IIS shall be computed. If false, the solution will return null in the ConflictingSet property - default is true
Public propertyConfigFile
Gets or sets the config file.
Public propertyFeasibilityTolerance
Primal feasibility tolerance. All constraints must be satisfied to a tolerance of FeasibilityTol.
Public propertyGetGlobalIncumbent (Inherited from SolverConfiguration.)
Public propertyIntegerFeasibilityTolerance
Integer feasibility tolerance (MIP only). An integrality restriction on a variable is considered satisfied when the variable's value is less than IntFeasTol from the nearest integer value.
Public propertyMIPGap
Relative MIP optimality gap (MIP only). The MIP solver will terminate (with an optimal result) when the relative gap between the lower and upper objective bound is less than MIPGap times the upper bound.
Public propertyMIPGapAbs
Absolute MIP optimality gap (MIP only). The MIP solver will terminate (with an optimal result) when the absolute gap between the lower and upper objective bound is less than MIPGapAbs.
Public propertyNewBestBoundFound
This action is executed whenever a new best bound is found
(Inherited from SolverConfiguration.)
Public propertyNewIncumbentFound
This action is executed whenever a new incumbent is found
(Inherited from SolverConfiguration.)
Public propertyOptimalityTolerance
Dual feasibility tolerance. Reduced costs must all be smaller than OptimalityTol in the improving direction in order for a model to be declared optimal.
Public propertyOutputFile
Gets or sets the output file
Public propertyPartialProblemsNeeded
A method that decides if a partial problem should be created.
(Inherited from SolverConfiguration.)
Public propertySendPartialProblems
A method that sends partial problems over the wire
(Inherited from SolverConfiguration.)
Public propertyTimeLimit
Limits the total time expended (in seconds). Note that all runtimes in the Gurobi Optimizer are wall-clock times.
Public propertyUseHeuristicCallback
Indicates if the solver should activate its provided HeuristicCallback This will make the solver use injected solutions from other solvers
(Inherited from SolverConfiguration.)

See Also