Optimization Namespace

Fabrica Bolos GLPK

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The core classes you need (Model, Variable, Constraint, etc.) to start modelling


Public classConflictingSet
Public classConstantExpression
A ConstantExpression only holds a double value but can be used as part of an expression
Public classConstraint
Represents an constraint
Public classExpression
An expression essentially is a tree which stores operators on subtrees which can either be Expressions or Terms themselves
Public classGenericVariableCollectionBase
The base class vor all generic VariableCollection classes
Public classModel
Represents a mathematical model
Public classObjective
Represents an objective
Public classParameterCollection<(Of <(<'T>)>)>
A parameterCollection allows you to define parameters on Sets so that you can access parameter values with indices like in other modelling languages
Public classSolution
Represents a solution of an Model.
Public classSolverConfiguration
Defines common parameters for ISolver instances.
Public classSumExpressionBuilder
This is a helper class to support efficiently building Expressions from a collection of Terms
Public classTerm
A term represents a variable and a coefficient which belongs to this variable (e.g. 2*x)
Public classVariable
Represents a variable in an IModel.
Public classVariableCollection
This is essentially a helper class that allows you to model your Variables more intuitively
Public classVariableCollection<(Of <(<'T>)>)>
This is a strongly typed helper class that allows you to model your Variables more intuitively
Public classVariableCollection<(Of <(<'T, T2>)>)>
This is a strongly typed helper class that allows you to model your Variables more intuitively
Public classVariableCollection<(Of <(<'T, T2, T3>)>)>
This is a strongly typed helper class that allows you to model your Variables more intuitively
Public classVariableCollection<(Of <(<'T, T2, T3, T4>)>)>
This is a strongly typed helper class that allows you to model your Variables more intuitively
Public classVariableCollection<(Of <(<'T, T2, T3, T4, T5>)>)>
This is a strongly typed helper class that allows you to model your Variables more intuitively
Public classVariableCollection<(Of <(<'T, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6>)>)>
This is a strongly typed helper class that allows you to model your Variables more intuitively
Public classVariableCollection<(Of <(<'T, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7>)>)>
This is a strongly typed helper class that allows you to model your Variables more intuitively
Public classVariableCollection<(Of <(<'T, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8>)>)>
This is a strongly typed helper class that allows you to model your Variables more intuitively


Public delegateVariableCollection..::..BoundGenerator
A delegate which takes an array of objects (making up the index) and returns a bound to be used for a variable
Public delegateVariableCollection..::..UniqueNameGenerator
A delegate which takes an array of objects (making up the index) and returns a stringbuilder which holds a unique id for this index


Public enumerationFileType
The filetype of a model file
Public enumerationModelBehavior
Describes the behavior of a model when adding constraints
Public enumerationObjectiveSense
Sense of an [!:IObjective].
Public enumerationSOSType
The SOS type
Public enumerationVariableType
Type of a IVariable.