SolutionStatus Enumeration

Fabrica Bolos GLPK

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Status of a solution instance.

Namespace: Optimization.Solver
Assembly: Optimization.Framework (in Optimization.Framework.dll) Version: 0.3.1036.0


public enum SolutionStatus
Visual Basic
Public Enumeration SolutionStatus
Visual C++
public enum class SolutionStatus


Member nameValueDescription
NoSolutionValues0 The solution instance contains no variable and objective values, e.g. because the solved model instance is infeasible.
FeasibleContinuousRelaxation1 The solution instance contains variable and objective values feasible for the continuous relaxation of the solved model instance.
OptimalContinuousRelaxation2 The solution instance contains variable and objective values optimal for the continuous relaxation of the solved model instance.
Feasible3 The solution instance contains variable and objective values feasible for the solved model instance.
ProbablyLocalOptimal4 The solution instance contains variable and objective values probably local optimal for the solved model instance with the used ISolver.
LocalOptimal5 The solution instance contains variable and objective values local optimal for the solved model instance with the used ISolver.
Optimal6 The solution instance contains variable and objective values optimal for the solved model instance.

See Also