Variable Members

Fabrica Bolos GLPK

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The Variable type exposes the following members.


Public methodVariable
Initializes a new instance of the Variable class.


Public methodEquals(Object)
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to this instance.
(Overrides Object..::..Equals(Object).)
Public methodEquals(Variable)
Compares this instance to the specified other.
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Returns a hash code for this instance.
(Overrides Object..::..GetHashCode()()()().)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodToString
Returns a String that represents this instance.
(Overrides Object..::..ToString()()()().)


Public operatorStatic memberAddition(Double, Variable)
Implements the operator +.
Public operatorStatic memberAddition(Variable, Variable)
Implements the operator +.
Public operatorStatic memberAddition(Variable, Double)
Implements the operator +.
Public operatorStatic memberEquality(Variable, Term)
Implements the operator ==.
Public operatorStatic memberEquality(Variable, Variable)
Implements the operator ==.
Public operatorStatic memberEquality(Variable, Double)
Implements the operator ==.
Public operatorStatic memberGreaterThanOrEqual(Variable, Term)
Implements the operator >=.
Public operatorStatic memberGreaterThanOrEqual(Variable, Double)
Implements the operator >=.
Public operatorStatic memberInequality(Variable, Term)
Please use <= and >= to model !=
Public operatorStatic memberInequality(Variable, Variable)
Implements the operator !=.
Public operatorStatic memberInequality(Variable, Double)
Please use <= and >= to model !=
Public operatorStatic memberLessThanOrEqual(Variable, Term)
Implements the operator <=.
Public operatorStatic memberLessThanOrEqual(Variable, Double)
Implements the operator <=.
Public operatorStatic memberMultiply(Double, Variable)
Implements the operator *.
Public operatorStatic memberMultiply(Variable, Variable)
Implements the operator *.
Public operatorStatic memberMultiply(Variable, Double)
Implements the operator *.
Public operatorStatic memberSubtraction(Double, Variable)
Implements the operator -.
Public operatorStatic memberSubtraction(Variable, Variable)
Implements the operator -.
Public operatorStatic memberSubtraction(Variable, Double)
Implements the operator -.
Public operatorStatic memberUnaryNegation
Implements the operator -.


Public propertyLowerBound
Lower bound of this variable.
Public propertyName
Unique name of this variable.
Public propertyType
Type of this variable.
Public propertyUpperBound
Upper bound of this variable.
Public propertyValue
Gets or sets the value for this variable. This field can be used to assign solution values from a solver to the variables in the original model.

See Also