Object Data

AutoCAD Map 3D ObjectARX

Object Data

Object data is non-graphical information about an object in a drawing.

When you want to add such data to a drawing or drawing object, you create an object data table to store the data.

A single object data table contains records of a similar structure, which is defined by the object data table's table definition. The individual records in an object data table may be associated with different drawing objects. The association between the data and the object is at the level of the individual record, not at the table level.

The classes used to create and manipulate object data tables are

AcMapODColumnDefinition AcMapODContainer AcMapODRecordIterator AcMapODTable AcMapODTableDefinition AcMapODTableRecord AcMapValue

For More Information

For more information about object data, see the UI documentation, Autodesk Map Help, and the Map Samples folder of ObjectARX installations.