Storing Block Attribute Positions in an Oracle Spatial Database

AutoCAD Map 3D ObjectARX

Storing Block Attribute Positions in an Oracle Spatial Database

Oracle Spatial Data (Overview) Related Samples

The "Storing Block Attribute Positions" sample is an ObjectARX project located in Map Samples\AcMapFlatOrclAttrPos in AutoCAD Map 3D ObjectARX installations.

Classes Highlighted

It highlights the following Oracle Spatial classes.

AcMapOSEConnection AcMapOSEImportReactor AcMapOSEExportReactor AcMapOSEObject

The following classes are included also, but their use is less extensive.

AcMapOSEImport AcMapOSEExport AcMapOSEQuery AcMapOSEConnectionReactor

Commands implemented

The project creates an rx module which lets the user change attribute positions in a project drawing and preserve these changes in an Oracle database. It exposes the following commands.

  • APEXPORT exports the active project drawing to an Oracle database, including information about attribute positions.
  • APIMPORT imports Oracle Spatial data to the active project drawing, restoring attributes to their original positions.


The sample assumes that features are already defined completely using our MAPOSEADMIN command.

Keep in mind that the purpose of this application is to instruct. Use it with caution. It lacks extensive error handling, and it may bog down when the data set is large.