Attaching Object Data

AutoCAD Map 3D ObjectARX

Attaching Object Data

The following sample attaches object data to selected objects in a drawing.

It creates a record for each of the objects and adds the data from an existing table to the records. Open rather than attach the drawing that contains the objects.

To attach object data

  1. Include the necessary header files:
    #include "StdAfx.h"
    #include "StdArx.h"
    #include <MapArxApi.h>
    #include <MapProj.h>
    #include <MapODRecord.h>
    #include <MapODTable.h>
  2. Declare variables.
    ads_name ss, ename;
    long sslen, sscur;
    AcDbObjectId eId;
    AcMapSession *mapApi = NULL;
    AcMapProject *pProj = NULL;
    AcMapODContainer *pODCont = NULL;
    AcMapODTable *pODTable = NULL; 
  3. Create an AutoCAD Map 3D session and get the top level objects.
    mapApi = AcMapGetSession();
  4. Get the table containing the data to attach.
    pODCont->GetODTable(pODTable, "Zones");
  5. Use ADS functions to prompt user to select the objects to which to attach the data, and process the selections.
    acutPrintf("\nAttach data to which object(s)?");
    if (acedSSGet(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, ss) != RTNORM) {
    acutPrintf("\nNo objects selected.\n"); 
  6. Use an ADS function to determine the number of objects selected in step 5.
    acedSSLength(ss, &sslen); 
  7. Loop through the objects selected in step 5, getting the entity name of the next object, and converting it to an object ID, which you pass to AcMapODTable::AddRecord. Within the for loop, you create the AcMapODTableRecord using the new operator, thereby allocating memory for each record added. Remember to delete each pointer to AcMapODTableRecord within the loop, as shown here.
    for (sscur = 0; sscur < sslen; sscur++)
    acedSSName(ss, sscur, ename); 
    acdbGetObjectId(eId, ename); 
    AcMapODTableRecord *pTabRec = NULL; 
    pTabRec = new AcMapODTableRecord(); 
    pODTable->AddRecord(*pTabRec, eId); 
    acutPrintf ("\nOD Record added to object."); 
    if (pTabRec) delete pTabRec; 
  8. Delete the memory allocated by calling AcMapODContainer::GetODTable in step 4, and free the memory allocated for the selection set in step 5.
    delete pODTable;