Designing Queryable Custom Objects Details

AutoCAD Map 3D ObjectARX

Designing Queryable Custom Objects Details

Observe the following guidelines:

  • Subclass each custom object class from the appropriate ARX parent class, as detailed below.
  • Ensure that each custom object instance in a drawing is added to the Model Space section of the drawing's Block table.

To support SQL or Data queries, the parent class doesn't matter.

To support location queries, a custom class must derive from AcDbEntity and overload the methods getGeomExtents, intersectWith, getStretchPoints, and transformBy.

To support property queries, custom class requirements depend on the properties to be queried:

Queryable Property Class to Derive From Methods to Overload
Area AcDbCurve getArea
Block Name AcDbBlockReference None
Elevation Not supported.  
Object Type AcDbEntity None
Length AcDbCurve getEndParam getDistAtParam
Text Style AcDbText None
Text Value AcDbText None
Thickness Not supported.  
Color AcDbEntity None
Group AcDbEntity None
Layer AcDbEntity None
Linetype AcDbEntity None

Note Object Type name specified via special MACRO, such as ACRX_DXF_DEFINE_MEMBERS.