Exporting to an Oracle Spatial Database

AutoCAD Map 3D ObjectARX

Exporting to an Oracle Spatial Database

The following code sample illustrates exporting spatial data from a project drawing to an Oracle database.

Note The sample assumes an open project drawing containing some objects. It also assumes that the connection object is actually connected to a database. Click "Connecting to an Oracle Database" for sample code.

Connecting to an Oracle Spatial Database (Sample) Exporting Data (Overview) Related Samples

#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "StdArx.h"
#include "AdMapOracleConnection.h"
#include "AdMapOracleExport.h"
BOOL ExportToOracle()
// Get connection pointer
AcMapOSEConnection *pConnection = AcMapOracleGetConnection();
// Declare export interface
AcMapOSEExport *pExport = new AcMapOSEExport(pConnection); 
// Note: Before calling export functions, initialize the 
// export interface to specify export options and which 
// features to export
// Export Option 1 - Export only new objects and erase 
// exported objects from the drawing
// Empty feature vector means export all features in the 
// drawing database when you call export functions
std::vector<std::string> vFeatureNames;
// Initialize
if(pExport->Init(vFeatureNames, kRemoveExported))
acutPrintf("\nInit() successful\n");
// Export
AcDbDatabase *pDwg;
// Get a valid drawing database reference for *pDwg
// ... (add code here)
acutPrintf("\nExport successful\n");
acutPrintf("\nExport failed\n");
acutPrintf("\nExport->Init() failed\n");
// Export Option 2 - Export selected features, update 
// modified objects in Oracle, and delete erased objects 
// from Oracle
// Initialize
AcMapOSEExport::kUpdateModified |
AcMapOSEExport::kUpdateErased | 
acutPrintf("\nInit() successful\n");
// Export
acutPrintf("\nExport successful\n");
acutPrintf("\nExport failed\n");
acutPrintf("\nExport->Init() failed\n");
// Export Option 3 - Export a specific set of objects
// Initialize - see initializing code samples above
// Export
AcDbObjectIdArray idArray;
// Populate idArray with a set of objects to export by 
// manually selecting or iterating through the drawing 
// database
// ... (add code to populate idArray)
acutPrintf("\nExport successful\n");
acutPrintf("\nExport failed\n");
delete pExport;