AutoCAD Map 3D 2009 Geospatial Platform Reference

AutoCAD Map 3D Geospatial Platform API

virtual MgCurveRing* MgGeometryFactory::CreateCurveRing ( MgCurveSegmentCollection curveSegments  )  [virtual]

Creates a curve ring from a collection of curve segments.

The use of this method is illustrated in the MgCurvePolygon example code.
.NET Syntax
virtual MgCurveRing CreateCurveRing(MgCurveSegmentCollection curveSegments);
Java Syntax
virtual MgCurveRing CreateCurveRing(MgCurveSegmentCollection curveSegments);
PHP Syntax
virtual MgCurveRing CreateCurveRing(MgCurveSegmentCollection curveSegments);

curveSegments (MgCurveSegmentCollection) An MgCurveSegmentCollection that specifies the segments of the curve ring. The segments in the collection must form a closed shape. See the example php code for details about the construction of the segments so that the resulting shape is closed.
An instance of MgCurveRing.