Returns a geometry that represents all points whose distance from this geometric entity is less than or equal to a given distance. By default, the distance computation is done using a linear algorithm unless a custom measure is supplied.
- Remarks:
- This method returns NULL when using a negative offset with points, lines, and curves. When using a negative offset with polygons, the method returns NULL if the offset causes the buffered polygon to shrink to zero area.
.NET Syntax
virtual MgGeometry Buffer(double distance, MgMeasure measure);
Java Syntax
virtual MgGeometry Buffer(double distance, MgMeasure measure);
PHP Syntax
virtual MgGeometry Buffer(double distance, MgMeasure measure);
- Parameters:
| distance | (double) The distance from the geometry in units. This value cannot be zero. |
| measure | (MgMeasure) The MgMeasure instance to use when computing the buffer. If null, a linear distance algorithm is used. |
- Returns:
- An MgGeometry that represents the geometric entity's buffer, or NULL if the geometry cannot be buffered.