AutoCAD Map 3D 2009 Geospatial Platform Reference

AutoCAD Map 3D Geospatial Platform API

void MgGeometricPropertyDefinition::SetGeometryTypes ( INT32  types  ) 

Sets the categories of geometries (point, line, surface, solid) that can be stored in this geometric property.

If the category is set to point, then MgPoint and MgMultiPoint geometries can be stored in this property. If the category is also set to line, then MgLineString, MgCurveString, MgMultiLineString, and MgMultiCurveString geometries can also be stored in this property. If the category is also set to surface, then MgPolygon, MgMultiPolygon, MgCurvePolygon, and MgMultiCurvePolygon geometries can also be stored in this property.
.NET Syntax
void SetGeometryTypes(int types);
Java Syntax
void SetGeometryTypes(int types);
PHP Syntax
void SetGeometryTypes(int types);

types (int) One or more of the MgFeatureGeometricType constants combined by a bit-wise OR operation.