AutoCAD Map 3D 2009 Geospatial Platform Reference

AutoCAD Map 3D Geospatial Platform API

virtual MgByteReader* MgFeatureService::GetWfsFeature ( MgResourceIdentifier featureSourceId,
CREFSTRING  featureClass,
MgStringCollection requiredProperties,
INT32  maxFeatures 
) [pure virtual]

Retrieves feature information based on the supplied criteria.

This is not valid with AutoCAD Map 3D. It works with MapGuide only.
.NET Syntax
virtual MgByteReader GetWfsFeature(MgResourceIdentifier featureSourceId, string featureClass, MgStringCollection requiredProperties, string srs, string filter, int maxFeatures);
Java Syntax
virtual MgByteReader GetWfsFeature(MgResourceIdentifier featureSourceId, String featureClass, MgStringCollection requiredProperties, String srs, String filter, int maxFeatures);
PHP Syntax
virtual MgByteReader GetWfsFeature(MgResourceIdentifier featureSourceId, string featureClass, MgStringCollection requiredProperties, string srs, string filter, int maxFeatures);

featureSourceId (MgResourceIdentifier) The resource identifier defining the location of the feature source in the repository.
featureClass (String/string) The feature class containing the features to retrieve.
requiredProperties (MgStringCollection) The collection of properties to retrieve for each feature. If the collection is null or empty, all properties will be retrieved.
srs (String/string) The spatial reference system in which to return feature geometries
filter (String/string) An XML string containing the definition for an OGC filter
maxFeatures (int) The maximum number of features to retrieve. If the value is less than or equal to zero, all features will be retrieved.
Returns an MgByteReader containing the requested feature information.