Retrieves feature information based on the supplied criteria.
- Note:
- This is not valid with AutoCAD Map 3D. It works with MapGuide only.
.NET Syntax
virtual MgByteReader GetWfsFeature(MgResourceIdentifier featureSourceId, string featureClass, MgStringCollection requiredProperties, string srs, string filter, int maxFeatures);
Java Syntax
virtual MgByteReader GetWfsFeature(MgResourceIdentifier featureSourceId, String featureClass, MgStringCollection requiredProperties, String srs, String filter, int maxFeatures);
PHP Syntax
virtual MgByteReader GetWfsFeature(MgResourceIdentifier featureSourceId, string featureClass, MgStringCollection requiredProperties, string srs, string filter, int maxFeatures);
- Parameters:
| featureSourceId | (MgResourceIdentifier) The resource identifier defining the location of the feature source in the repository. |
| featureClass | (String/string) The feature class containing the features to retrieve. |
| requiredProperties | (MgStringCollection) The collection of properties to retrieve for each feature. If the collection is null or empty, all properties will be retrieved. |
| srs | (String/string) The spatial reference system in which to return feature geometries |
| filter | (String/string) An XML string containing the definition for an OGC filter |
| maxFeatures | (int) The maximum number of features to retrieve. If the value is less than or equal to zero, all features will be retrieved. |
- Returns:
- Returns an MgByteReader containing the requested feature information.