AutoCAD Map 3D 2009 Geospatial Platform Reference

AutoCAD Map 3D Geospatial Platform API

virtual MgGeometry* MgAgfReaderWriter::Read ( MgByteReader agf  )  [virtual]

Translates an MgByteReader object into an MgGeometry object. The contents of the MgByteReader is in Autodesk Geometry Format (AGF).

.NET Syntax
virtual MgGeometry Read(MgByteReader agf);
Java Syntax
virtual MgGeometry Read(MgByteReader agf);
PHP Syntax
virtual MgGeometry Read(MgByteReader agf);

agf (MgByteReader) An MgByteReader that supplies the AGF byte stream.
An instance of MgGeometry that corresponds to the specified AGF.