EnumAllSubsetFilters Method



EnumAllSubsetFilters Method

The EnumAllSubsetFilters method returns a QueryResults object that enumerates the join filters defined within a merge replication publication.

Applies To
MergePublication Object

object.EnumAllSubsetFilters( ) as QueryResults



Expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list

Prototype (C/C++)

HRESULT EnumAllSubsetFilters(


A QueryResults object that contains one result set defined by these columns.

Column Data type Description
article name nvarchar(129) Name of the article that contains the joined from table.
base table name nvarchar(129) Name of the table joined to in the filter clause.
base table owner nvarchar(129) Name of the owner of the table joined to in the filter clause.
filtername nvarchar(129) Name of the filter.
join article name nvarchar(129) Name of the article on which the filter is defined.
join table name nvarchar(129) Name of the table joined from in the filter clause.
join table owner nvarchar(129) Name of the owner of the table joined from in the filter clause.
join_filterclause nvarchar(1001) Transact-SQL WHERE clause that defines the filter.
join_filterid integer System-generated identifier.
join_unique_key integer When 1, the filter depends on a unique or key value. When 0, the filter does not depend on a unique value.