SQLServers Collection
The SQLServers collection contains SQLServer objects created by the SQL-DMO application.

Count Property |
Item Method | ItemByID Method |
SQL-DMO maintains the SQLServers collection. Members are added when the application creates a new instance of a SQLServer object and are removed when the application releases all references it holds on the member. For example:
Dim oSQLServer as SQLDMO.SQLServer ' SQLServer object not
' created. No member in
' SQLServers collection.
Set oSQLServer = New SQLDMO.SQLServer ' SQLServer object is now
' a member of the SQLServers
' collection.
Set oSQLServer = Nothing ' SQLServer object references
' released and member removed
' from SQLServers collection.
When using the Item method, the SQLServers collection supports member identification using either name or ordinal reference syntax. For example:
Set oSQLServer = oApplication.SQLServers("SEATTLE1")
Set oSQLServer = oApplication.SQLServers(2)