Server Access Logging Configuration API

Amazon Simple Storage Service: 2006-03-01

Each Amazon S3 bucket has an associated XML sub-resource that you can read and write in order to inspect or change the logging status for that bucket. The XML schema for the bucket logging status resource is common across SOAP and REST.

The BucketLoggingStatus element has the following structure.

Following is a list of elements that belong to the BucketLoggingStatus element.

To enable server access logging, Set or PUT a BucketLoggingStatus with a nested LoggingEnabled element. To disable server access logging, Set or PUT an empty BucketLoggingStatus element.

In REST, the address of the BucketLoggingStatus resource for a bucket 'mybucket' is The PUT and GET methods are valid for this resource. For example, the following request fetches the BucketLoggingStatus resource for mybucket.

GET ?logging HTTP/1.1
Date: Wed, 01 Mar  2006 12:00:00 GMT

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Wed, 01 Mar  2006 12:00:00 GMT
Connection: close
Server: AmazonS3

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<BucketLoggingStatus xmlns="">
	        <Grantee xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="AmazonCustomerByEmail">
	            <EmailAddress>[email protected]</EmailAddress>

In SOAP, you can work with BucketLoggingStatus resource using the SOAPSetBucketLoggingStatus and SOAPGetBucketLoggingStatus operations.

Amazon S3 checks the validity of the proposed BucketLoggingStatus when you try to Set or PUT to it. If the TargetBucket does not exist, is not owned by you, or does not have the appropriate grants, you will receive the InvalidTargetBucketForLogging error. If your proposed BucketLoggingStatus document is not well-formed XML or does not match our published schema, you will receive the MalformedXMLError.