Listing Keys Hierarchically using Prefix and Delimiter
The Prefix and Delimiter parameters limit the kind of results returned by a list operation. Prefix limits results to only those keys that begin with the specified prefix, and Delimiter causes list to roll-up all keys that share a common prefix into a single summary list result.
The purpose of the prefix and delimiter parameters is to allow you to organize, and then browse, your keys hierarchically. To do this, first pick a delimiter for your bucket, say slash (/), that doesn't occur in any of your anticipated key names. Next, construct your key names by concatenating all containing levels of the hierarchy, separating each level with the delimiter.
For example, if you were storing information about cities, you might naturally organize them by continent, then by country, then by province or state. Since these names don't usually contain punctuation, you might select slash (/) as the delimiter. The following example uses a slash (/) delimiter.
North America/Canada/Quebec/Montreal
North America/USA/California/San Francisco
North America/USA/Washington/Seattle
and so on.
If you stored data for every city in the world in this manner, it would become awkward to manage a flat key namespace. But, by using the Prefix and Delimiter parameters with the list operation, you can list using the hierarchy you've built into your data. For example, to list all the cities in California, set Delimiter='/' and Prefix='/North America/USA/California/'. To list all the provinces in Canada for which you have data, set Delimiter='/' and Prefix='North America/Canada/'
A list request with a delimiter lets you browse your hierarchy at just one level, skipping over and summarizing the (possibly millions of) keys nested at deeper levels.