The only object in Decision Support Objects (DSO) that directly supports event trapping is the Database object. This object fires events for all of its child objects including shared dimensions, cubes, partitions, aggregations, and data mining models.
The following table lists the events that this object supports.
Event |
Description |
ReportAfter |
Called whenever a processing action on an object in the database has finished executing |
ReportBefore |
Called before a processing action on an object in the database |
ReportError |
Called whenever an error occurs during a processing action |
ReportProgress |
Called to report the progress of an action during a processing |
Processing Actions
Each event reports the status of the processing action. This processing action is represented by integer constants. The tense for each processing action depends on the event being trapped. For instance, the merge action (mdactMerge) reports that two partitions or aggregations will be merged when trapped in the ReportBefore event. In contrast, this same action reports that two partitions or aggregations have been merged when trapped in the ReportAfter event.
The following is a list of actions that are supported by the database object events:
Action |
Constant |
Description |
Process |
mdactProcess |
Indicates that the object referred to by obj has been processed. |
Merge |
mdactMerge |
Reports that two partitions/aggregations have been merged. |
Delete |
mdactDelete |
Indicates that an object has been deleted. |
Delete Old Aggregations |
mdactDeleteOldAggregations |
Indicates that the existing relational OLAP (ROLAP) aggregations of a partition have been deleted. |
Rebuild |
mdactRebuild |
Indicates that the definitions of an object have been rebuilt. |
Commit |
mdactCommit |
Indicates that a transaction has been committed on the database. |
Rollback |
mdactRollback |
Reports that a transaction has been rolled back on the database. |
Create Indexes |
mdactCreateIndexes |
Indicates that indexes for a ROLAP aggregation have been created. |
Create Table |
mdactCreateTable |
Reports that the aggregation table for the ROLAP aggregation has been created. |
Insert Into |
mdactInsertInto |
Indicates that the aggregation table for the ROLAP partition has been populated. |
Transaction |
mdactTransaction |
Reports that a transaction has been started, completed, or has encountered an exception. |
Initialize |
mdactInitialize |
Indicates that the object referred to by the obj parameter has been initialized. |
Create View |
mdactCreateView |
Reports that an aggregation view has been created for the ROLAP aggregation. This action is only valid when processing a ROLAP cube with Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 using indexed views. |
Write Data |
mdactWriteData |
Data has been written to the disk. |
Read Data |
mdactReadData |
Data has been read from the disk. |
Aggregate |
mdactAggregate |
Aggregations are being built. |
Execute SQL |
mdactExecuteSQL |
An SQL statement has been executed. |
Now Executing SQL |
mdactNowExecutingSQL |
An SQL statement is executing that can be canceled. |
Executing Modified SQL |
mdactExecuteModifiedSQL |
A modified SQL statement has been executed. |
Rows Affected |
mdactRowsAffected |
Reports number of rows affected by an SQL statement. |
Error |
mdactError |
Indicates that an error has occurred during processing. |
Write Aggregations and Indexes |
mdactWriteAggsAndIndexes |
Indexes and aggregations will be written to the disk. |
Write Segment |
mdactWriteSegment |
Segments will be written to the disk. |
Data Mining Model Processed Percentage |
mdactDataMiningProgress |
The status of the completion of processing for a data mining model in percentage terms. |
For more information about the Database object, see clsDatabase.
Tutorial - Trapping Database Events
The following tutorial demonstrates trapping processing events. In examples A through C, a Microsoft Visual Basic® project file is set up that contains all of the information needed to use the rest of the examples. Examples D through G demonstrate trapping each of the events that are available from the database object.
A. Setting up the Project File
Start Visual Basic and create a new project called Project1.
- In the Project References dialog box, select the Microsoft Decision Support Objects check box.
- In the Project Components dialog box, click Microsoft Windows Common Controls 6.0 (SP3).
- Create a new form called Form1.
- Add a text box to the form called Text1.
- Add a button called Command1 to the form and label it "Process".
- Add another button called Command2 to the form and label it "Cancel".
- Add a progress bar control named ProgressBar1.
- In the form's general declarations section, add the following code:
Option Explicit
'Declare a database object with events.
Public WithEvents dsoDb As DSO.Database
'Declare some useful variables and constants.
Public gCubeMaxRows As Long
Public gbCancel As Boolean
Private Const SERVER_NAME = "LocalHost"
Private Const DATABASE_NAME = "FoodMart 2000"
B. Adding the Form_Load Event and Button Click Events
Add the following code to the form:
Private Sub Command1_Click()
gbCancel = False
ProcessDatabase DATABASE_NAME
End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click()
gbCancel = True
End Sub
Private Sub ProcessDatabase(strDBName As String)
Dim dsoServer As New DSO.Server
Dim dsoDatabase As DSO.MDStore
Dim dsoCube As DSO.MDStore
Dim dsoMiningModel As DSO.MiningModel
Screen.MousePointer = vbArrowHourglass
'Connect to the server.
dsoServer.Connect (SERVER_NAME)
'Get a reference to the database.
Set dsoDatabase = dsoServer.MDStores(strDBName)
'Copy the database reference.
Set dsoDb = dsoDatabase
'Process each of the cubes in the database.
For Each dsoCube In dsoDatabase.MDStores
Text1.Text = Text1.Text & "Processing Cube " & dsoCube.Name & vbCrLf
gCubeMaxRows = dsoCube.EstimatedRows
Screen.MousePointer = vbNormal
End Sub
C. Adding the ProcessDatabase Subroutine
Add the following code to the form:
Private Sub ProcessDatabase(strDBName As String)
Dim dsoServer As New DSO.Server
Dim dsoDatabase As DSO.MDStore
Dim dsoCube As DSO.MDStore
Screen.MousePointer = vbArrowHourglass
'Connect to the server.
dsoServer.Connect (SERVER_NAME)
'Get a reference to the database.
Set dsoDatabase = dsoServer.MDStores(strDBName)
'Copy the database reference.
Set dsoDb = dsoDatabase
'Process each of the cubes in the database.
For Each dsoCube In dsoDatabase.MDStores
Text1.Text = Text1.Text & "Processing Cube " & dsoCube.Name & vbCrLf
gCubeMaxRows = dsoCube.EstimatedRows
Screen.MousePointer = vbNormal
End Sub
D. Adding the ReportBefore Event Handler
Add the following code to the form:
Private Sub dsoDb_ReportBefore(obj As Object, ByVal Action As Integer, Cancel As Boolean, Skip As Boolean)
Dim strNew As String
strNew = strNew & " Beginning Action = " & ConvertAction(Action) & " - on object "
'What if the object doesn't have a name property?
On Error Resume Next
'Get the name of the object.
strNew = strNew & obj.Name & "."
Text1.Text = Text1.Text & vbTab & strNew & vbCrLf
End Sub
E. Adding the ReportAfter Event Handler
Add the following code to the form:
Private Sub dsoDb_ReportAfter(obj As Object, ByVal Action As Integer, ByVal success As Boolean)
Dim strNew As String
'What if the object doesn't have a name property?
On Error Resume Next
'Get the name of the object.
strNew = "Processing object """ & obj.Name & """"
strNew = strNew & " Action = " & ConvertAction(Action) & " - "
'Determine the success of the operation.
If success = True Then
strNew = strNew & " was successful."
strNew = strNew & " was unsuccessful."
End If
Text1.Text = Text1.Text & vbTab & strNew & vbCrLf
End Sub
F. Adding the ReportProgress Event Handler
Add the following code to the form:
Private Sub dsoDb_ReportProgress(obj As Object, ByVal Action As Integer, Counter As Long, Message As String, Cancel As Boolean)
Dim strNew As String
'See if the user has canceled.
Cancel = gbCancel
strNew = strNew & vbTab & " Progress of Action " & ConvertAction(Action)
'What if the object doesn't have a name property?
On Error Resume Next
'Get the name of the object.
strNew = strNew & "on object " & obj.Name & ". "
strNew = strNew & Counter & " - " & Message
'Update the progress bar.
ProgressBar1.Max = gCubeMaxRows
ProgressBar1.Value = Counter
Text1.Text = Text1.Text & vbTab & strNew & vbCrLf
End Sub
G. Adding the ReportError Event Handler
Add the following code to the form:
Private Sub dsoDb_ReportError(obj As Object, ByVal Action As Integer, ByVal ErrorCode As Long, ByVal Message As String, Cancel As Boolean)
Dim strNew As String
strNew = strNew & " ERROR #" & ErrorCode
'What if the object doesn't have a name property?
On Error Resume Next
'Get the name of the object.
strNew = strNew & " on object " & obj.Name & ". "
strNew = strNew & " - " & Message
Text1.Text = Text1.Text & strNew & vbCrLf
End Sub