SourceColumn (clsMemberProperty)

Analysis Services Programming

Analysis Services Programming

SourceColumn (clsMemberProperty)

The SourceColumn property of an object of ClassType clsMemberProperty contains a reference to the column in the dimension table that contains values for the member property.

Data Type




Specifying the SourceColumn Property for a Member Property Object

Use the following code to specify the SourceColumn for a new object of ClassType clsMemberProperty:

'Assume an object (dsoLevel) of ClassType clsDimensionLevel exists.
' Create a member property containing the name of the store manager.
Dim dsoMemProp As DSO.MemberProperty
Set dsoMemProp = dsoLevel.MemberProperties.AddNew("Store Manager")
'Set the column which contains the names of the managers.
dsoMemProp.SourceColumn = """store"".""store_manager""" 

See Also
