User Manager Dialog Box
The User Manager dialog box provides an overview of each Hummingbird product installed on the Terminal Server.
Managed Product List—Lists the Hummingbird Product, Product Code, Version, Level, Group Name, and the product State. Per-user installation enabled. The Hummingbird products in this list are per-user installation enabled only.
- Product—The name of the Hummingbird product installed on the Terminal Server.
- Product Code—The unique identifier for the Hummingbird product.
- Version—The version number of the Hummingbird product installed on the Terminal Server.
- Level—The product level of the Hummingbird product installed on the Terminal Server. For more information, see Changing the Product Level.
- Group Name—The Hummingbird Product User Group name controls product access permission. For more information, see About the Hummingbird Product User Group.
- State—The current installation state of the Hummingbird product according to Windows Installer.
Properties—Opens the Managed Product Properties dialog box.
Unregister—Unregisters the product from the Windows registry.
Help—Opens the User Manager Help.
Close—Closes the Hummingbird User Manager.
Groups Page—Managed Product Properties Dialog Box
Managed Product Properties Dialog Box
Options Page—Managed Product Properties Dialog Box
Overrides Page—Managed Product Properties Dialog Box