Introducing Hummingbird User Manager
In a TSE environment (Terminal Server Edition for Windows NT 4.0 Server, Terminal Services for Windows 2000 Server, or .NET Server), you (as Administrator) can use Hummingbird User Manager to customize the installation of Hummingbird products for individuals, groups, and global users.
When you install a Hummingbird product on a Terminal Server, users can logon to the server and use the software as if it was running locally on their own computers. Each user that logs on to the Terminal Server has a user profile on the server. These user profiles include registry settings, shortcut and desktop settings, and user files.
Hummingbird User Manager lets you customize Hummingbird product user profiles, which in turn determine the shortcuts and functionality that are available to users when they logon to the Terminal Server. When a user logs on to the server, Hummingbird UsrSetup runs transparently in the background and makes necessary user profile changes based on the functionality the Administrator has specified for that user.
Important Terminology
As you work with Hummingbird User Manager, keep the following terms in mind:
- Per-user installation—Refers to the transparent background installation on terminal servers controlled by Hummingbird UsrSetup. It is synonymous with the phrase “UsrSetup Install”.
- Override—Hummingbird User Manager works by customizing, or overriding, the default TSE settings for particular users. If you do not create any overrides, then default functionality is installed for all users. Overrides can be applied globally, for groups, or for individuals.
- Hummingbird Product User Group—To make the Hummingbird software available only to specific users, you can create an NT user group for the Hummingbird product; the installation will then be available only to these users. If you do not create a group, all users will have access to the installation. Each Hummingbird product can have a different group, or multiple products can share a group.
- User group—User Manager groups should not be confused with Hummingbird Product User Groups. The Hummingbird Product User Group grants or denies access to the software. Once a user has access permission, you can use a User Manager group to organize overrides for multiple users in a more efficient manner.
About the Hummingbird Product User Group