Changing the Logging Level

Hummingbird User Manager

Changing the Logging Level

The Logging Level determines the amount of detail made available in the usrsetup.log file. The usrsetup.log file provides information about each user’s per-user installation. The logging level is global and applies to all products.

The default logging level is 1 and provides information about what time each user logged onto the operating system. The higher the logging level number, the more detail is made available in the usrsetup.log file. If you set the logging level to 0, a log file is not created.

  The higher the logging level, the larger the log file. We recommend that you increase the logging level only if you need to determine a problem with overrides or other installation-related issues.

To change the Logging Level:

  1. In the User Manager dialog box, select any Hummingbird product.
  2. In the Managed Product Properties dialog box, click the Options tab.
  3. In the Logging Level box, change the number to the desired Logging Level and click Apply.

Related Topics

Options Page—Managed Product Properties Dialog Box