Shrink Database

SQL Server Enterprise Manager Help

SQL Server Enterprise Manager Help

Shrink Database

Use this dialog box to view or specify the following options.


Space allocated

View the space allocated for the selected database in megabytes (MB).

Space free

View the free space for the selected database in both MB and as a percentage of total space.

Maximum free space in files after shrinking

Specify the maximum percent of free space in the database files after shrinking the database.

Move pages to beginning of file before shrinking

Specify to move pages to the beginning of the file before shrinking the database. Selecting this option may hinder performance.

Shrink the database based on this schedule

Specify to shrink the database on a selected schedule, as determined in the following option.

Modify the schedule used to shrink the database.


Display the Shrink Database Files dialog box, where you can specify the individual database files to shrink. This option provides more precise control when shrinking the database.

See Also

Shrinking a Database