Job Properties (General Tab)
Use this tab to view or specify the following options.
Specify the name of the job. The name is limited to 128 characters. Job names must be unique only if they originate from the same server. A job created locally on a target server and a downloaded job from a master server can share the same name.
View the server where the job originated. The default is local, which means that the job was created on the instance of Microsoft® SQL Server™ that is the local server.
View the creation date and time of the job. Not yet created appears if you are creating a new job.
Enable the job. This option is selected by default, both for new and existing jobs. A disabled job runs only if a user explicitly starts it.
Target local server
Define the job as a local job, which is a job that runs only on the local server.
Target multiple servers
Define the job as a multiserver job, which is a job that runs on multiple remote servers. This option is enabled only on a master server.
Select the job category. Use job categories to organize jobs for easy filtering and grouping. By default, local jobs are assigned to the [Uncategorized (Local)] job category. Click the list (...) button to view other jobs in the same category as the one selected.
Select the job owner. This option is enabled when the user is the system administrator. The system administrator can reassign the job to another owner. By default, the owner list contains the SQL Server login ID of the job creator.
Describe the job using up to 512 characters. A description can help other users on local and remote computers understand the purpose of the job.
Last modified
Display the date the job was last modified. Not applicable appears if you are creating a new job.
Display the Change Job Target Server dialog box, where you can change the target server for the job. Available for multiserver jobs only.