Add Destination Database (Thresholds Tab)

SQL Server Enterprise Manager Help

SQL Server Enterprise Manager Help

Add Destination Database (Thresholds Tab)

Use this tab to view or specify the following options.


Out of sync threshold

Specify the maximum elapsed time between the last transaction log backup on the source server and the last transaction log restore on the destination server.

Load time delay

Set the amount of time you want the destination server to delay before it restores the transaction log from the source server. The default for this option is zero minutes, indicating that the destination server should immediately restore any transaction log backups. Changing the time delay would provide a cushion of time if something goes wrong on the source server, allowing you to correct the problem before the corrupted log is restored onto the destination server.

File retention period

Specify how long to wait before a transaction log is deleted.

History retention period

Specify how long to wait before a transaction log history is deleted.

See Also

Log Shipping