Log Shipping Pair Properties (Destination Tab)
Use this tab to view or specify the following options.
View the destination server for the log shipping pair.
Alert threshold
Specify the threshold before an alert is generated. This value specified in this option is the maximum elapsed time since the last transaction log backup was made on the source server. After the time exceeds this specified threshold, an alert is generated by the monitor server.
Alert number
Specify the alert number that will be generated if the alert threshold is passed.
Enable the alert.
Start time
Specify the starting time when alerts will not be generated, even if the alert threshold is passed.
End time
Specify the ending time when alerts will not be generated, even if the alert threshold is passed.
On days
Specify the days when alerts will not be generated between the start and end times, even if the alert threshold is passed.
View copy schedule
Display the Schedule dialog box, where you can view how often database copies are made.
Copy is enabled
Enable database copies.
View load schedule
Display the Schedule dialog box, where you can view how often the database is restored.
Load is enabled
Enable restoring the database.