Shrink Database Files

SQL Server Enterprise Manager Help

SQL Server Enterprise Manager Help

Shrink Database Files

Use this dialog box to view or specify the following options.


Database file

Specify the database file to shrink.

Filegroup name

View the filegroup name of the selected database file.

File ID

View the file ID for the selected database files.

File type

View the file type for the selected database files (for example, data file or log file).


View the location of the selected database files.

Current size

View the current size (in megabytes) of the selected database files.

Space used

View the space used (in megabytes) of the selected database files.

Compress pages and then truncate free space from the file

Compress the database pages and then truncate the free space that is generated by compressing the pages.

Truncate free space from the end of the file

Truncate the free space from the end of the file.

Empty the file (data will migrate to other files in the file group)

Empty the selected database file. The data in the current file will move to other files in the file group.

Shrink file to

Shrink file to a specified size in megabytes.

Shrink the file later

Shrink the file at a specified date and time.


Specify the date on which to shrink the database file.


Specify the time at which to shrink the database file.

See Also

Shrinking a Database