SQL Server Agent Properties (Job System Tab)
Use this tab to view or specify the following options.
Limit size of job history log
Enable limiting the size of the job history log to avoid filling msdb.
Maximum job history log size (rows)
Specify the maximum job history log size, in rows.
Maximum job history rows per job
Specify the maximum job history rows per job.
Current job history log size (rows)
View the current size, in rows, of the job history log.
Clear Log
Clear the job history log.
Shutdown time-out interval (seconds)
Specify the maximum number of seconds that SQL Server Agent will wait for a job to finish executing before SQL Server Agent is shut down.
Master SQLServerAgent (MSX) server
Indicate the instance of Microsoft® SQL Server™ that is acting as the master SQL Server Agent for this server.
Only users with SysAdmin privileges can execute CmdExec and ActiveScripting job steps
Specify that only members of the sysadmin role can execute CmdExec or Microsoft ActiveX® scripting job steps. If a user who is not a member of the sysadmin role attempts to run a job that includes these types of job steps, the CmdExec or ActiveScripting job steps will fail.
Reset Proxy Account
Edit the user name, password, and domain of the user account used by SQL Server Agent to execute jobs owned by non system administrators.
Reset Proxy Password
This option is available only when administering an instance of SQL Server 7.0.
See Also
How to reset SQLAgentCmdExec permissions (Enterprise Manager)
How to resize the job history log (Enterprise Manager)