
DTS Programming

DTS Programming


The GetExecuteInfo returns information about data pump execution.


HRESULT GetExecuteInfo(
pExecInfo );

Argument Description
pExecInfo [in/out] Execution information to be passed into and returned from the data pump


GetExecuteInfo may be called at any point after ExecuteInit.

pExecInfo is a pointer to a DTSExecuteInfo structure. This structure is used to pass the following information to and from the data pump:

  • Total number of source rows processed.

  • Total number of error rows encountered.

  • Data pump execution status.

  • Transform status, used to select the data driven query to be executed.

  • Handles to input source and destination chapters, used to specify the chapters where hierarchical rowset processing occurs.

  • Handles to output source and destination rows, returned by the data pump to enable caller to specify where rowset processing should resume at next ExecuteRow call.

See Also
