CustomTaskUI Object
The CustomTaskUI object is an interface that allows you to optionally specify a custom dialog box for a Data Transformation Services (DTS) custom task that can be used in DTS Designer. The CustomTaskUI interface is only used in conjunction with custom tasks. If the CustomTaskUI is not implemented, DTS Designer displays a default user interface for task properties in a simple grid format.

CreateCustomToolTip Method | Help Method |
Delete Method | Initialize Method |
Edit Method | New Method |
GetUIInfo Method |
After inheriting from the CustomTaskUI interface, a custom task must implement the following:
- CreateCustomToolTip method
- Delete method
- Edit method
- GetUIInfo method
- Help method
- Initialize method
- New method
Some of these methods can be placeholders that do nothing.
To inherit from the CustomTaskUI interface in Microsoft® Visual Basic®, the program references the interface with the Implements statement:
Implements DTS.CustomTaskUI
Then prototypes for the elements the custom task must implement can be selected from the Procedures/Events Box in the code window in the Visual Basic integrated development environment (IDE), after selecting CustomTaskUI from the Object Box.
All DTS tasks must implement the CustomTask interface.