TransformationSets Collection
The TransformationSets collection contains the TransformationSet objects that define the transformations to be performed on the columns of a component rowset in a hierarchical rowset by the Parallel Data Pump Task object.

Applies To
ParallelDataPumpTask Object |
Count Property | Parent Property |
Add Method | New (Name) Method |
Insert Method | Remove Method |
Item Method |
The New method creates a new TransformationSet object. The Add method adds a TransformationSet object to the collection at the last ordinal position. The Insert method adds a TransformationSet object to the collection at a specified ordinal position, or just ahead of a referenced object in the collection.
The ordinal position of the TransformationSet objects in the collection determines the order in which they are mapped to the component rowsets of the source and destination hierarchical rowsets.
Hierarchical rowsets are scanned in column-ordinal order. When a child rowset is encountered, it is mapped to the next TransformationSet object, and its columns are scanned before the remaining columns of the parent rowset are scanned. This process is continued recursively until the entire hierarchical rowset is scanned.