ExplicitGlobalVariables Property

DTS Programming

DTS Programming

ExplicitGlobalVariables Property

The ExplicitGlobalVariables property sets or returns a value indicating whether Data Transformation Services (DTS) package global variables must be explicitly added to the GlobalVariables collection with the AddGlobalVariable method before being referenced.

Applies To
Package2 Object

object.ExplicitGlobalVariables [= boolean]

Part Description
object Expression that evaluates to a Package2 object.
boolean If TRUE, package global variables must be explicitly added with AddGlobalVariable method. If FALSE, reference to global variables that do not exist cause them to be created.

Data Type




Prototype (C/C++)

HRESULT ExplicitGlobalVariables(VARIANT_BOOL* pVal);

HRESULT ExplicitGlobalVariables(VARIANT_BOOL pVal);

See Also

AddGlobalVariable Method

AddGlobalVariables Property

GlobalVariables Collection