Changing Data Using the FROM Clause
Use the FROM clause to pull data from one or more tables or views into the table you want to update. For example, when author Dirk Stringer gets a contract, a title identification number is assigned to his book, The Psychology of Computer Cooking, in the titles table. Dirk's row in the titleauthor table can be updated by adding a title identification number for this latest book.
This example updates Dirk Stringer's row in the titleauthor table to add a title identification number for his latest book:
UPDATE titleauthor
SET title_id = titles.title_id
FROM titles INNER JOIN titleauthor
ON titles.title_id = titleauthor.title_id
INNER JOIN authors
ON titleauthor.au_id = authors.au_id
WHERE titles.title = 'Net Etiquette'
AND au_lname = 'Locksley'
To update data using UPDATE