Using Cursors with Distributed Queries

Accessing and Changing Relational Data

Accessing and Changing Relational Data

Using Cursors with Distributed Queries

When using cursors with distributed queries, both insensitive (static) and keyset-driven cursor types are supported when the provider supports the necessary OLE DB functionality. Dynamic or forward-only cursors requested with a distributed query are implicitly converted to keyset-driven cursors.

A keyset-driven cursor is supported on a distributed query if all local and remote tables in the query have a unique key. For the conditions under which a keyset cursor is supported on a distributed query, Keyset-driven Cursors Requirements for OLE DB Providers.

If a keyset-driven cursor is allowed on a distributed query, then it can also be used to update any of the underlying remote tables if the provider requirements for updatability are met. For the requirements for updates on a remote table, see UPDATE and DELETE Requirements for OLE DB Providers.

See Also


Using Cursors

Using Server Cursors with ADO