There are several functions an application must call to request features. Before requesting a feature, the application must ensure that the feature is installed. If the application calls MsiUseFeature before the application accesses a feature, the application can use the information returned to maintain usage metrics.
To request a feature
- Call the MsiEnumFeatures or the MsiQueryFeatureState function if you want to determine the availability of a feature without incrementing the usage count.
- Indicate your application's intent to use a feature by calling the MsiUseFeature function.
- Determine file locations by calling the MsiGetComponentPath function.
- Configure the feature by calling the MsiConfigureFeature function.
- Obtain usage metrics that your application can use by calling the MsiGetFeatureUsage function.
The following diagram illustrates the feature request model.

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Build date: 8/13/2009
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