Dialog Style Bits

Windows Installer

Dialog Style Bits

The style of a dialog box is specified in the Attributes column of the Dialog table by a 32-bit word composed of style bit flags.

The following list provides links to descriptions of reserved dialog box style bits.

Name Decimal Hexadecimal Constant
Visible 1 0x00000001 msidbDialogAttributesVisible
Modal 2 0x00000002 msidbDialogAttributesModal
Minimize 4 0x00000004 msidbDialogAttributesMinimize
SysModal 8 0x00000008 msidbDialogAttributesSysModal
KeepModeless 16 0x00000010 msidbDialogAttributesKeepModeless
TrackDiskSpace 32 0x00000020 msidbDialogAttributesTrackDiskSpace
UseCustomPalette 64 0x00000040 msidbDialogAttributesUseCustomPalette
RTLRO 128 0x00000080 msidbDialogAttributesRTLRO
RightAligned 256 0x00000100 msidbDialogAttributesRightAligned
LeftScroll 512 0x00000200 msidbDialogAttributesLeftScroll
BiDi 896 0x00000380 msidbDialogAttributesBiDi = msidbDialogAttributesRTLRO | msidbDialogAttributesRightAligned | msidbDialogAttributesLeftScroll
Error 65536 0x00010000 msidbDialogAttributesError


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Build date: 8/13/2009

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