Installation of Win32 Assemblies

Windows Installer

Installation of Win32 Assemblies

Install Win32 assemblies by making them a component of Microsoft Windows Installer package that installs or updates your application. When you author the MsiAssembly table and MsiAssemblyName table, this identifies the component in the Component_ column as an assembly. The installer will set the MsiWin32AssemblySupport property to the file version of Sxs.dll on operating systems that can support Win32 assemblies and not set this property otherwise.

Side-by-side assemblies are not available on systems earlier than Windows XP. For more information, see Isolated Applications and Side-by-side Assemblies.

This table summarizes the ways Win32 assemblies can be installed on different Windows operating systems. For information, see Shared Assemblies, Private Assemblies, and Side-by-Side Assemblies.

Operating System Windows Installer writes assembly information into the registry. Shared assemblies can be used. Private assemblies can be used. Side-by-side assemblies can be used.
Windows Vista No Yes Yes Yes
Windows XP No Yes Yes Yes
Windows 2000 Yes Yes Yes No


The following sections describe how to author a Windows Installer package to install Win32 assemblies as shared, private, or side-by-side on different Windows operating systems.

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Build date: 8/13/2009

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