The VBScript file WiFeatur.vbs is provided in the Windows SDK Components for Windows Installer Developers. This sample shows how script is used to list the features in a Windows Installer database. This sample demonstrates adding temporary columns to a read-only Windows Installer database.
This sample demonstrates:
- OpenDatabase method (Installer Object), the CreateRecord method, and the LastErrorRecord method of the Installer Object
- Execute method and the Fetch method of the View Object
- OpenView method, the TablePersistent property, and the PrimaryKeys property of the Database Object
- FieldCount property, IntegerData property, and the StringData property of the Record Object
Using this sample requires the CScript.exe or WScript.exe version of Windows Script Host. To use CScript.exe to run this sample, type a command at the command prompt using the following syntax. Help is displayed if the first argument is /? or if too few arguments are specified. To redirect the output to a file, end the command line with VBS > [path to file]. The sample returns a value of 0 for success, 1 if help is invoked, and 2 if the script fails.
cscript WiFeatur.vbs [path to database][feature name]
Specify path to the Windows Installer database. Specify the name of the feature. This must be listed in the Feature column of the Feature table. If the name of the feature is omitted, all the features are listed as a feature tree. If an asterisk (*) is used as the feature name, WiFeatur.vbs lists the composition of all features. Note that large databases are better displayed using CScript rather than WScript.
For more information, see Windows Installer Scripting Examples for additional scripting examples. For sample utilities that do not require Windows Script Host see Windows Installer Development Tools.
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Build date: 8/13/2009
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