Iis7Website Members

TFS Build Extensions

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The Iis7Website type exposes the following members.


Public methodIis7Website


Public propertyAction
Specifies the action to perform
Public propertyApplicationName
Sets the Application Name
Public propertyApplicationPath
Sets the ApplicationPath
Public propertyApplicationPhysicalPath
Sets the ApplicationPhysicalPath
Public propertyAppPool
Sets the app pool.
Public propertyEnabledProtocols
Sets the Enabled Protocols for the website
Public propertyExists
Gets whether the website exists
Public propertyForce
Set to true to force the creation of a website, even if it exists.
Public propertyName
Sets the name of the Website
Public propertyPath
Sets the path.
Public propertyPhysicalPath
Gets the site physical path. [Output]
Public propertyPort
Sets the port.
Public propertySiteId
Gets the site id. [Output]
Public propertyVirtualDirectoryApplicationPath
Sets the VirtualDirectoryApplicationPath
Public propertyVirtualDirectoryName
Sets the VirtualDirectoryName
Public propertyVirtualDirectoryPhysicalPath
Sets the ApplicationPath

See Also