AssemblyInfo Properties

TFS Build Extensions

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The AssemblyInfo type exposes the following members.


Public propertyAssemblyCompany
Sets the company name.
Public propertyAssemblyConfiguration
Sets the assembly configuration.
Public propertyAssemblyCopyright
Sets the assembly copyright.
Public propertyAssemblyCulture
Sets the assembly culture.
Public propertyAssemblyDelaySign
Set to true to mark the assembly for delay signing.
Public propertyAssemblyDescription
Sets the assembly description.
Public propertyAssemblyFileVersion
Sets the assembly file version.
Public propertyAssemblyInformationalVersion
Sets the assembly informational version.
Public propertyAssemblyKeyFile
Sets the key file to use to sign the assembly.
Public propertyAssemblyKeyName
Sets the name of a key container within the CSP containing the key pair used to generate a strong name.
Public propertyAssemblyProduct
Sets the assembly product.
Public propertyAssemblyTitle
Sets the assembly title.
Public propertyAssemblyTrademark
Sets the assembly trademark.
Public propertyAssemblyVersion
Sets the assembly version.
Public propertyCLSCompliant
Set to true to mark the assembly CLS compliant.
Public propertyComVisible
Set to true to make the assembly visible to COM.
Public propertyFiles
Sets the AssemblyInfo files to update.
Public propertyGuid
Sets the assembly GUID.
Public propertyMaxAssemblyFileVersion
Gets the max updated assembly file version.
Public propertyMaxAssemblyInformationalVersion
Gets the max updated assembly informational version.
Public propertyMaxAssemblyVersion
Gets the max updated assembly version.

See Also