CodeMetrics Properties

TFS Build Extensions

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The CodeMetrics type exposes the following members.


Public propertyBinariesDirectory
Path to where the binaries are placed
Public propertyCyclomaticComplexityErrorThreshold
Threshold value for what Cyclomatic Complexity should fail the build
Public propertyCyclomaticComplexityWarningThreshold
Threshold value for what Cyclomatic Complexity should partially fail the build
Public propertyFilesToProcess
Optional: Which files that should be processed. Can be a list of files or file match patterns. Defaults to *.dll;*.exe
Public propertyGeneratedFileName
Optional: Name of the generated metrics result file. Should end with .xml
Public propertyMaintainabilityIndexErrorThreshold
Threshold value for what Maintainability Index should fail the build
Public propertyMaintainabilityIndexWarningThreshold
Threshold value for what Maintainability Index should partially fail the build

See Also